Do you guys remember that Glass Casket band that Between the Buried and Me guitarist Dustie Waring and drummer Blake Richardson were involved in? Well it looks as if after

11 years ago


Do you guys remember that Glass Casket band that Between the Buried and Me guitarist Dustie Waring and drummer Blake Richardson were involved in? Well it looks as if after a long bout of inactivity, they’ve picked up The Faceless guitarist Wes Hauch to join their ranks!

Glass Casket has grown to be quite a de-facto supergroup despite pre-dating the bands that its members are involved in. For those not keeping up, here’s the lineup:

Blake Richardson- Drums (BTBAM)
Dustie Waring- Guitar (BTBAM )
Adam Cody- Vocals (Wretched, Columns)
Sid Menon- Bass (Yearling, Ross Copley band)
Wes Hauch-Guitar (The Faceless)

It’s hard telling if this means that there’s still new music in the works — that’s been up in the air for the better part of a decade — but it’s good to know that the band still exists. More word when we have it.

[Photograph by Nick Budosh]

– JR

Jimmy Rowe

Published 11 years ago