
Anup Sastry Releases Play Through Of ‘Titan’

It looks like Anup Sastry of Intervals is picking up gear for an upcoming EP named Titan. The drum virtuoso has released a play through from the upcoming release, self

10 years ago


It looks like Anup Sastry of Intervals is picking up gear for an upcoming EP named Titan. The drum virtuoso has released a play through from the upcoming release, self titled. Sastry is obviously known for his unique style and brilliant work with Intervals, only one among his many projects. Head on over the jump to hear what the man has for us this time.

This is certainly excellent, containing equal parts groove and heavy segments. Head over to one minute and seventeen seconds or two minutes and twenty for some groove, while three minutes forty contains some aggressive double basses to set your heart thumping. The rest of the composition is also quite engaging, although obviously taking a back seat to the excellent drumming. The EP is due to see release very soon, September 2nd, so make sure you head on over to bandcamp and snag a copy for free, once the album is released!


Eden Kupermintz

Published 10 years ago